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Kickstart the jilted generation....


Having previously discussed the importance of mentoring members of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists' next generation we are now looking at the implications of taking on an apprentice in the TNM Architecture's Wolverhampton studio.

Firstly being an SME we need to look at the realistic implications of taking on another junior member of staff, but as we know in the Architectural world this doesn't come cheap, with not only the monthly salary to consider but also the bare basics to operate - computer hardware / software licence / training / time.

Having discussed staffing internally, we really want to provide that opportunity for a suitable young person to support us. We feel that a younger member of staff would pick up the software we use and run with it, backed up by the team to provide technical advice and mentoring where required. With potential impacts of coronavirus hitting employment of younger people with low level qualifications over the next few years we feel it is right to do our bit, no matter how small to help out.

The Government Kickstart scheme offers us a young person with fresh ideas and energy, which could help TNM moving forwards, whilst also giving someone who is unemployed a life-changing opportunity to start a new career in Architecture post-pandemic. The potential for growth of both parties is unlimited. Funding of up to £1,500 is available to cover the hardware / software costs also.

TNM utilising Kickstart gives a great opportunity to give a young person access to a six month paid job, giving valuable experience to build up a CV, additional support to boost future job prospects and help to start your career.

Why not look into kickstart yourselves ?

The Kickstart Scheme is open to people that are aged 16-24 that are currently claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. If this sounds like you, talk to your Work Coach about Kickstart and see if it could be right for you.

Length of contract is six months for someone aged 16-24

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