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Green Green Grass of Home


Updated: Nov 30, 2020

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.

Whether building new, renovating, extending or adapting your buildings TNM can provide the design, technical and management advice to achieve your goals in a green and sustainable way.

Thoughtful design choices, ecological materials and best management of resources (whether financial or material) can be achieved with the assistance of TNM.

We have the architectural and technical training, qualifications and experience to help you achieve your sustainable goals.

Each of the green principles require careful consideration.

Reduce your energy consumption with the correct choice of insulation, heating and ventilation equipment. TNM can assist in your applications for grants from local authorities and government green initiatives such as Green Homes Grant, Green Deal and Renewable Heat Incentive.

Reuse your current accommodation by upgrading, adapting and/or extending. You will be surprised by the design and environmental solutions the team at TNM can bring to your existing property.

Recycle with a change of use. With the current oversupply of office space, the demand for additional housing it makes perfect environmental sense to convert rather than demolish our redundant buildings.

Renovation is normally quicker, requires less energy, is less expensive and has a quicker payback than demolition and new build.

TNM can advise on the less onerous planning requirements for change of use as well as providing the technical solutions for comfortable, attractive, green and healthy homes.

Applications for the HM Government Green Homes Grant opened on October 1st 2020. The government will provide a voucher for up to £5,000 that covers up to two thirds of the cost of energy efficiency and low carbon heat improvements to your home.

Depending on eligibility up to 100% and £10,000 of the cost may be available.

The current scheme runs till end of March 2021, we will keep you posted of any extension to this.

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